Wednesday, 17 April 2013

home made dinner for two

Dear earthlings,

I'm trying my best to write everyday...therefore please forgive me if the things i write about bore you to death...

Anyhoos, I decided to make tom yam for the hubs last night...mind you, it's been a while since i've cooked a proper meal..Nowadays, cooking usually refers to : me marinating the chicken and shoving it into the oven..tsk tsk..My hubs and I were not too keen on having dinner lately, hence the lack of cooking on my part...but yesterday, I said..plish plish pweety plish...let me cook some rice for you...and of course being the great hubs that he is, he relented and agreed to have me cook rice for him..yeay!!

I even parked illegally and ran across the road to AEON food section as fast as possible just to get my hands on some bunga see, when I put my mind to something, there's no stopping me...

Let's see the end result shall we?

omellette with a dash of parsley...
the star dish: hubs said "sama taraf dengan kedai makan thai" - yup, that is his unoqie way of complementing me

the hubs was forced to have some rice...but, guess what? he still asked for  seconds unfortunately for him, I  did not cook too much rice based on his preference of not having it...

Well there we go, just remembering the yummy taste of tomyam is making my saliva drool...erkkk...not a pretty picture at all! Looks like I'm gonna reheat the tomyummy for dinner tonight...(because I really suck at cooking for two..I cook like, for a family of eight..hehee)

Yours truly,
Adventure Addict.

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