Saturday, 1 June 2013

no matter how much you think you need it...

Dear earthlings,

So, I know I promised to myself to write every day, but I guess one can only plan, right? I miss writing, so here I am..Last night, we had a small doa selamat, solat hajat and bacaan yassin for my sister who is going to further her degree..

The ustaz that mum invited (who slso happens to be my brother's ustaz at school) gave a little tazkirah to all of us...My mum asked him, how to obtain "ketenangan"...inner and outer peace...he pointed out that in order to achieve peace, we don't need to have money we can sleep on, we don't need titles because even those who had them have confessed to never actually feel that bliss called "ketenangan"...he also mentioned that we can never truly achieve absolute peace, if we feel that we can change things that happens to us...this is quite true..and I do believe this with all my heart...As long as we are not content with what we have, or what Allah has given us, we will never ever be at peace...

As His khalifah on earth, we have to believe that every good and bad things happen to us for a reason even though at first we could not quite comprehend it, but believe that Allah will never ever ever be cruel to His servants...I believe that with all my heart...

No matter how badly we may want something, if Allah has not written it for us, it will never happen...

Yours Truly,
Adventure Addict

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