Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Percayalah bahawa rezeki itu dari Allah..

Dear earthlings,

In this world, there's not that many people who wish to see us succeed, or truly wish to see us happy... For example, during the meeting this afternoon, one of my colleagues asked me where I was going for my I told her my university, and guess what she said? 

"Oh, boleh pulak ye time you pegi situ...bukan ke itu university tu not up to the standard...dulu mase I mintak, cakap university tu macam tu macam ni..." and she continued her blabber to someone who actually cares...Please have some respect for people's feelings..Don't be so crass about it..People work damn hard to achieve their please do not nonchalantly brush it off as if it meant nothing to them.. 

For me, I believe that everything that I have today I owe it to my Creator for without Him willing it, I know, I have nothing...I am nothing...So, the simple logic is that, If you believe that Allah has planned certain things for you and allocated certain shares of life for you, then you will learn to be grateful and thankful but if you for one second believe that you could change things or people, then you will never be satisfied with what you have...

Allah dah allocate rezeki masing-masing..siapa kita ni nak persoalkan apa yang Allah dah takdirkan? Adekah you are trying to imply that Allah is unjust? sila mengucap dua kalimah syahadah balik yer..

Yours Truly,
Adventure Addict

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